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Is it possible to eliminate small batteries in pure electric vehicles?
Auther: Pubdate:2020-06-03
As a low-voltage system for a pure electric vehicle, the small battery is to charge some auxiliary equipment of the vehicle from the main role of the small battery. At the same time, it also needs to control some core components of the vehicle, such as the vehicle. Auxiliary components such as motors, vehicle motor control systems, battery management systems, and controllers for high-voltage electrical equipment and cooling electric water pumps provide corresponding power supply. For small batteries, is it possible to eliminate small batteries? The following editor from Kang Lida will introduce you:
 Is it possible to cancel small batteries in pure electric vehicles? 
For pure electric vehicles, the voltage of the power battery needs to be converted. From a design perspective, it increases the difficulty of designing the electrical equipment of the vehicle. Furthermore, once the small battery is cancelled There will also be some problems, such as some safety settings and configurations of the vehicle, how to ensure the safety of the vehicle and the occupants when the power battery is empty, and this is a series of problems that cannot be output when the power battery is empty problem.
In addition, because the power battery can't complete the current conversion when there is no power, some sensors of the vehicle will face the failure situation. From the perspective of the battery, this is also a complementary device, so comprehensively Said, according to the existing technology, it is not possible to cancel the small battery.
  The above is the relevant information summarized by the editor of the battery manufacturer Kang Lida. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more information, you can contact us, or visit our official website to view more relevant information.
