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The reason new and old batteries to be used separately
Auther: Pubdate:2019-09-20
Because people do not fully understand the use of batteries, there are some errors in the battery operation. For example, new and old batteries are used in series, but this practice will shorten the service life of new batteries.
Because the new battery has more chemical reaction materials, the terminal voltage is higher, the internal resistance is smaller, and the old battery terminal voltage is lower, the internal resistance is larger. Generally, the internal resistance of the new 12V battery is 0.015-0.018 ohm, and the internal resistance of the old battery is much. Above 0.085 ohms, assuming that the old and new batteries are used in series, then in the state of charge, the charging voltage at both ends of the old battery will be higher than the charging voltage at both ends of the new battery, the effect is that the new battery is not full, and the old battery is already too high, and In the discharge state, since the capacity of the new battery is larger than that of the old battery, the effect is that the old battery is excessively discharged, and even the old battery is reversed, and the battery bulges to form a side effect. It will lose the power of the new battery, together with the voltage instability inside the appliance, there is also the risk of excessive use of the old battery.
The above is the information compiled by the solar gel battery manufacturer Kang Lida. I hope to help you. If you want to know more information, you can contact us or visit our official website for more information.
