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How to avoid misunderstandings in battery detection?
Auther: Pubdate:2020-07-22
From the user's perspective, the purpose of battery testing is to determine the state of health (SOH) and state of charge (SOC) of the battery. The former is to determine whether the battery needs to be replaced, and the latter is to determine whether the battery needs to be recharged. I think This is the core of battery maintenance and testing. For more than ten years, industry insiders at home and abroad have been trying to find a testing method that is suitable for users in engineering environments, rather than laboratories. Now, North America, Europe, and South Asian countries (Except for China) maintenance testing methods with internal resistance testing as the core are generally used. So how to avoid misunderstandings in battery detection? ? How much do you know about this problem? ? Today, the editor of Zhengzhou Kanglida Electronic Power Supply Co., Ltd. will give you some information on this issue. I hope it will be helpful to you. In the future, you can avoid detours when using and purchasing.
  1. Correctly understand the inherent capacity, maintain the capacity and the state of charge.
The inherent capacity is the maximum limit of the energy that the battery can store. The retained capacity is the energy value that the battery can provide under current conditions. The state of charge refers to how small the battery actually accepts energy. The inherent capacity drops, and the battery is owed. Recharging will lead to a decrease in the reserved capacity. The reserved capacity is the value we actually care about. The evaluation of the reserved capacity is a very complicated matter. The reserved capacity is actually just a vague concept, because when everyone talks about the reserved capacity, it is generally not mentioned The holding capacity at a certain discharge rate and a certain temperature, but the holding capacity at a certain discharge rate and a certain temperature is different, but it does not matter, we can roughly judge the charging state by the terminal voltage, and then according to the inherent The change in capacity is used to calculate the battery holding capacity at room temperature. The ambient temperature of the substation and communication base station is close to 25°, and the evaluation value of the state of charge is close to 100% in the floating charge state. Note. Here I am talking about It is the starting voltage, not the float voltage measured online.
  2. Correctly understand the standard value of internal resistance.
For a brand and model of battery, its initial internal resistance is certain, you can use a battery condition tester to measure the initial internal resistance value, and then use a sticker on the battery. The company's battery condition tester This initial internal resistance value will be corrected according to the battery's service life, state of charge, and temperature during the test, and then it can be used for comparison. When the internal resistance test value is higher than the initial value by 40%, it can be concluded that the battery has changed Bad or soon to deteriorate. In fact, the internal resistance of a bad battery is far more than 40%, usually more than twice.
   Zhengzhou Kanglida Electronic Power Supply Co., Ltd. was established in 2000, specializing in the development, production and sales of four series of 2V, 4V, 6V, 12V maintenance-free lead-acid batteries and their electronic chargers. Products are widely used in anti-theft alarm systems, fire alarm systems, building intercom systems, elevator emergency evacuation systems, emergency lights, attendance machines, sprayers, electronic scales, children's electric motorcycles, cartoon inflatables, car washers, table turntables, parking locks, Strobe lights, traffic lights, DC screens, solar energy, wind energy, UPS, EPS and other backup power systems, if you choose a company, you must choose a company with guaranteed reputation and quality. This company has been operating for many years and has many years of experience. Experienced company, so if you have a need for this, you may wish to contact us, I believe it is a good choice.
