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What is the correct charging method for electric vehicle batteries?
Auther: Pubdate:2020-05-20
A storage battery is a device that directly converts chemical energy into electrical energy. It is a rechargeable battery designed to recharge through a reversible chemical reaction. It usually refers to a lead-acid battery, which is one of the batteries and belongs to the secondary battery. The lead-acid battery can be repeatedly charged and discharged. Its cell voltage is 2V. The battery is a battery pack composed of one or more cells. It is referred to as the battery, which is commonly referred to as 6V. Others include 2V, 4V, 8V, and 24V batteries. . For example, the battery (commonly known as battery) used in the car is a 6V battery connected in series to form a 12V battery pack.
Because of various advantages and some reasons, batteries are now more and more widely used, but many people do not know the battery very well, and many people do not even know some problems of charging the battery. What is the correct charging method? How much do you know about this? Today, the editor of Zhengzhou Kang Lida Electronic Power Co., Ltd. will give you some knowledge about this issue and hope it will help you.
1. Charge when the power indicator shows the remaining third of the power.
2. Keep the charging environment dry and tidy. The charger should not be wrapped in plastic bags or bottles, because the charger is easy to burn when it is not breathable.
What is the correct charging method for electric vehicle batteries?
3. Try not to use fast charge, if not necessary, do not use more than twice a month.
4. The charger is placed in a fixed place, do not bump, even if it is carried, it must fully consider the failure caused by the bumps.
5. Use the standard charger to charge.
6. The ideal charging time is when 60% ~ 80% of the battery's power is consumed.
7. Diligent use of diligent charge.
The editor reminds that lead-acid batteries are not recommended to charge the battery when it is clean, so that the battery life will be greatly reduced, so it must not be deep discharged many times, and the so-called deep discharge refers to the electric vehicle undervoltage power outage After the under-voltage power failure, you can no longer continue to power up, and the electric vehicle battery's intermittent discharge is very harmful to the battery. If you encounter the undervoltage of the electric car while driving and you want to get off, close the electric door lock cart and drive.
The above is a summary of the editor of Zhengzhou Kanglida Electronic Power Co., Ltd., a battery manufacturer. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you still want to know more, you can follow our official website to view more related information, or contact directly We consult related issues.
