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Correct charging method of battery
Auther: Pubdate:2019-10-15
During the charging process, the battery generates hydrogen gas. It should be kept away from open flames. It should not be smoked nearby. Forklifts are essential equipment for logistics. Many times they are not used for standard management. In order to further check the fault nature and degree of the battery, the technology can be used. The state is determined accurately, and can be checked in conjunction with the battery charging process. According to the different performance of the battery during the charging check, the internal fault of the battery and its cause are determined.
When the battery is charged, the battery voltage and the specific gravity of the electrolyte rise according to a certain rule, and the electrolyte temperature is not high. This indicates that the technical state of the battery is normal, but it is too much discharge and should be charged.
When the internal vulcanized battery is being charged, the cell voltage can be raised to about 2.8V, and the electrolyte temperature is also high. As the charging continues, after a few hours, the cell voltage will drop to 2.2V, and then slowly rise and Good battery charging rules are the same.
In the internal severely vulcanized battery, the voltage of the single cell will be higher than 2.8V, and the specific gravity of the electrolyte will not rise. At the beginning of charging, the battery will bubble.
When the battery in which the active material is severely detached is charged, the electrolyte is turbid, the battery capacity is lowered, the charging time is shortened compared with the normal battery, and the phenomenon that the charging of the electrolyte is completed, such as boiling of the electrolyte, occurs in advance. The self-discharged battery has a longer charging time, and the specific gravity and terminal voltage of the electrolyte rise slowly.
If there is a serious short circuit inside the battery, no matter how long the charging time is, the specific gravity and terminal voltage of the electrolyte will not rise, and there is no bubble in the battery. The electrolyte is like a pool of stagnant water.
The above is the information compiled by the solar gel battery manufacturer Kang Lida. I hope to help you. If you want to know more information, you can contact us or visit our official website for more information.
