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As a result, you can slowly damage your cars battery
Auther: Pubdate:2019-07-12

Accumulator also is battery, it is the power source of car electric appliance, car lamp, car acoustics and so on car electric appliance in the car all rely on it to supply power.


  In fact, its most important role is to start the car when the car, to fire the car. You can probably see a lot of times that one car on the side of the road doesn't start up and another car comes to power, and that's a car that doesn't catch fire, and the battery is dead.




  What bad habits in the daily use of cars affect their service life?


  1. Use the electric equipment in the car for a long time when the fire is out


  Many car owners will turn on the car's stereo and radio after the fire is turned off to relieve the loneliness. The purpose of this is to save oil, but it will deeply hurt your battery.


  Proper use:


  In the state of extinguishing continuous use of electrical appliances, as far as possible not more than 30 minutes, and do not recommend that you use car audio equipment in the state of extinguishing.


  2. Use the external power supply equipment when the fire is off


  External power equipment such as car vacuum cleaner, portable air pump, etc. should not be used when the vehicle is out of fire. Due to the high power of these devices, it is easy to run out of battery power for a long time when the battery is out of service, which will affect the normal start of your vehicle.


  3. Forget to turn off the lights after parking


  Often there will be some driver friends forget to turn off the lights after parking, whether the vehicle's headlights, or in the car reading lamp, such a night off your car battery must be "PaWo", the second day can only look for a person to take the power off.


  The above mentioned three types of situations are very harmful to the battery, although in a short period of time may not see any problems, after the battery loses power, a car can be found to "load" the normal start. But in the long run this will greatly shorten the service life of the battery, compared with the savings of that point of oil money


  Zhengzhou conley of electronic power co., LTD., founded in 2000, professional development, production, sales of 2 v, 4 v, 6 v, 12 v four series and maintenance-free lead-acid battery, gel battery and electronic charger, etc. Products are widely used in security alarm system, fire alarm system, building intercom system, elevator emergency evacuation system, emergency lights, antenna, power sprayers, electronic said, children, cartoon gas mould, washing machine, rotary table, parking lock, flashing lights, traffic lights, dc panel, solar energy, wind energy, UPS, EPS, etc for electrical system.
