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Due to environmental protection, lead - acid batteries of the promotion of the road
Auther: Pubdate:2019-07-08

Lead-acid batteries have been developed for hundreds of years. Although their performance has been significantly improved in manufacturing process, battery capacity, charging and discharging times, the working principle is the same. Seemingly battery technology development is slow, but in automobile industry, in recent years the rise of barren solution valve control type (AGM) battery type and enhanced the rich fluid (EFB) battery is advanced in the field of car battery.



  Working principle and chemistry:


  Lead-acid battery through chemical reaction, convert chemical energy into electricity for power supply equipment, mainly by the tubular positive plate and negative plate, electrolyte, separator, battery case, battery cover, a column, filler cap, etc. The spongy lead plate was negative electrode, the lead dioxide plate was positive electrode, and 22 ~ 28% dilute sulfuric acid was used as electrolyte. When the battery is discharged, the metal lead is negative electrode, which is oxidized to lead sulfate and lead dioxide is positive electrode. When the battery is charged, lead and lead dioxide are formed at the poles.


  Ordinary lead-acid batteries, at the later stage of charging, the charge current will cause the water molecules in the electrolyte to decompose, oxygen in the positive electrode and hydrogen in the negative electrode. Therefore, after the battery is used for a period of time, the water in the electrolyte will decrease and the concentration of the electrolyte will change. In order to ensure the normal operation of ordinary lead-acid batteries, regular supply of distilled water is needed to adjust the concentration of electrolyte. On the other hand, the gas produced in the charging process will also take away part of the electrolyte to produce acid fog, causing certain harm to the environment.


  The valve-controlled battery came into being:


  In order to solve the problem of common lead-acid batteries, VRLA batteries emerged. On the basis of ordinary lead-acid battery and VRLA battery cathode using excessive amounts of active material, make anode cannot exhalation hydrogen, the anode produce oxygen at the same time, into the anode and the cathode lead to produce chemical reaction generated lead oxide. In simple terms, the charging process of most of the gas in a chemical reaction to remain in the storage battery internal transformation form, to achieve conservation elements and to maintain the relative stability of the electrolyte concentration. The common VRLA batteries are the enhanced rich liquid type (EFB) and the lean liquid type (AGM).


  * enhanced enriched fluid (EFB) batteries:


  Based on common battery, EFB the use of special polyester fiber separator, battery plate can adsorb more active substances, and to avoid the material corrosion, thus improved the deep circulation resistance; The remaining space in the battery tank excluding the plate, partition board and other solid assembly parts is completely filled with sulfuric acid electrolyte. The electrolyte is in excess state, so it is called "liquid-rich" battery.


  * depleted (AGM) batteries


  The internal structure of AGM battery is relatively complex, and most of its electrolyte is adsorbed on the porous fiberglass partition and contacted with the electrode through the tight assembly technology. At the same time, the electrolyte and incompletely filled the entire battery inside the tank, but for the positive precipitation oxygen leaving into negative space, using the cathodic adsorption principle of oxygen compound and recycled, thus reducing the electrolyte fluid loss, truly free maintenance; On the other hand, baffle technology can effectively prevent electrolyte stratification and improve the deep circulation life.


  Editor's comments: in order to avoid maintenance and a disgrace of the concept of environmental protection, the battery completed their own promotion. EFB batteries have low cost and can meet the demand of starting and stopping system. AGM battery performance is better, circulating cycle count three to four times that of ordinary battery, and support the high current charge and discharge, apply to the models with energy recovery system, and AGM separator has the lower resistance, is conducive to improve the cold start performance, suitable for China's northeast, northwest and other alpine regions.


  Zhengzhou conley of electronic power co., LTD., founded in 2000, professional development, production, sales of 2 v, 4 v, 6 v, 12 v four series and maintenance-free lead-acid battery, gel battery and electronic charger, etc. Products are widely used in security alarm system, fire alarm system, building intercom system, elevator emergency evacuation system, emergency lights, antenna, power sprayers, electronic said, children, cartoon gas mould, washing machine, rotary table, parking lock, flashing lights, traffic lights, dc panel, solar energy, wind energy, UPS, EPS, etc for electrical system.

